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100 Truths !


1. Last beverage→ Sprite 
2. Last phone call→ Home [Early morning. I always forget my earphones and come back for them.]
3. Last text message→ Shailly [Making plans for ROBOT]
4. Last song you listened to→ A year without rain [a very recent discovery. Selena is looking awesome. Trust me!]
5. Last time you cried→Today. In college. [Just know that whenever I'm very confused or irritated and don't know what to do, my eyes start leaking. Fortunately, it wasn't in front of everyone.] 


6. Dated someone twice → Nope. [:(]
7. Been cheated on? → Nope [:)]  
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? → Never [My brother is a total sweetie.]
9. Lost someone special?→ Yep. Many times. [And I regret to say that most of the time, I was the one who was majorly responsible for the loss.]
10. Been depressed?→ Hell yeah. It's like my hobby. 
11. Been drunk? → Have had drinks. But NEVER been drunk.


12. Black
13. White
14. Purple
15. Yellow
16. Blue [In that very order.]


17. Made new friends → Yeaaaaahhh. *grins* 
18. Fallen out of love → Its been happening since the last year and I haven't had a crush since January 2009, does that count?
19. Laughed until you cried → Whenever I laugh genuinely or even give a big smile, my eyes start watering. And trust me, I'm laugh like a maniac. So, yes.
20. Met someone who changed you→ Yep. The bad thing is that that person has changed too.
21. Found out who your true friends were→ True friends is a bit of a stretch actually. Can we settle with good friends?
22. Found out someone was talking about you→ Nah. It's mostly me who talks about people. I'm such a bitch, no! 
23. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Nooooooo.
24. When do you want to get married? → If possible, never! Don't look at me like that, I totally mean it.
25. How many kids do you want to have→ One. A boy. 
26. Do you have any pets → NO. I hate animals.
27. Do you want to change your name→ Desperately. "Jitika" is just so ew! And people always misspell it as "Jikita" which is even more ew!
28. What did you do for your last birthday→ Went out for dinner my best chums. yeah, i know. *yawn* 
29. What time did you wake up today → 6.15. JUST IMAGINE! 
30. What were you doing at midnight last night→ Reading "Nick & Nora's infinite playlist" on my cell phone.
31. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Anything. When i want something, I want it NOW. I'm the most impatient person ever. 
32. Last time you saw your Mother→ She's just never outta sight. 
33. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → Life itself. Everything! There, that's one thing, right? 
34. What are you listening to right now → "Dream Awake" by Lauren Evans 
35. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → No. But I have talked to Tony. Tom, Tony...No big difference, really! :P 
36. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Studies. Exams in 10 days. And the portion is even vast and deeper than The Pacific Ocean. 
37. Whats your real name → Jitika. Hate it! 
38. Relationship Status → Happily/Woefully(depending upon mood) single!
39. Zodiac sign → Aquarius. And proud to be one.
40. Male or female→ Female. D-oh! 
41. Elementary→ St. Isabel's High School. 
42. Middle School → St. Isabel's High School. 
43. Hair color → Boring Black.
44. Long or short → Somewhwere in between them. 
45. Height → 5 and no, I'm not a dwarf. 
46. Do you have a crush on someone? → Used to. Like I meantioned above. I seem to have fallen outta love these days. *sigh* 
47. What do you like about yourself? → My nickname - Jitsy.  
48. Piercings → Ears.
49. Tattoos → None.
50. Righty or lefty → Righty. 


51. First surgery → None yet. Thank god! 
52. First piercing → Ears. When I couldn't even talk or walk. 
53. First tattoo → Never had one.
54. First best friend → Dilasha and Priya [middle school]. 
55. First sport you joined → Table Tennis.  
56. First pet → None. Hate animals, remember? 
57. First vacation→ Nepal. 4 years of age. [:D] 
58. First concert → None. [:( ]
59. First crush→ Vivek. 8th Class.  
60. First alcohol drink → Whisky. Tasted Yuck!


61. Eating → Ghaatiya. [:P] 
62. Drinking → Water. 
63. I'm about to → Doze off. This list is not getting over at all.
64. Listening to → Music [& Mom shouting at brother for not eating food.]
65. Waiting for → Tonight. Its my friend's birthday. Gonna have cake. [:D]  After such a long time. 


66. Want kids? → Yep.
67. Want to get married? → Nope. Ironical, huh?


69. First thing you notice → Hair. Just totally, absolutely, Dil se adore guys with curly hair. 
70. Hugs or kisses → Both. 
71. Shorter or taller→ Taller, for the love of god!
72. Older or Younger → Older. I wan't to be the young and spontaneous one sometimes. And a big brother is such a must-have!
73. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneous.  
74. Nice smile or nice eyes → Nice Smile.  
75. Tattoos or piercings→ Tattoos. But not too wild and all over the body. Piercings are creepy.
76. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive.
77. Hook-up or relationship → Never given a thought. 


79. Kissed a stranger → Nope. My life is very boring to be put down in a book, I've always thought. 
80. Drank hard liquor → Nah. Spat it all out after the first sip.  
81. Lost glasses/contacts → Loads of times. 
82. Sex on first date → Rule out sex for now. Atleast lemme go on a date. 
83. Broken someone's heart → Yep. Regretted it later. But it was just too late then. 
84. Had your own heart broken → HAHA .. Understatement of the Century !
85. Been arrested?→ Nope. Boring, remember?
86. Turned someone down → Yep. He was such as ASS. I'm better off single. 
87. Cried when someone died → Nope. That's one weird thing about me. I cry for any stupid reason and once started, it's really hard to stop. But somehow I just couldn't bring myself to shed tears for someone who died. Is that too bad? 
88. Liked a friend that is a Guy? → This is such a void question. Like is like. What does it matter if its a boy or a girl? 


89. Yourself → I do. Really. But not that much. I believe in you more than I believe in myself. 
90. Miracles → Happen. They do. Have faith and keep your eyes open. 
91. Love at first sight → Noway! Its not love, doofus! Its attraction, infatuation. 
92. Heaven → Exists. 
93. Santa Claus → Nope. I believe in the guy who always acted Santa in my old building though. He always gave me nice gifts. And Dairy milk. *silly grin*
94. Kissing on the first date? → Why not? If it works out well and you hit it off smoothly. But for kissing, I need a guy, a date. and for a date, I need to love. Depressing, it is. 


96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes. Someone who doesn't know me at all. A woman maybe. And we could also go to Kobe Sizzlers. Never had company to go there. 
97. Ever felt like you're lacking something/someone important in life? → Yep. Still do. And this has been my fault too. But I have injected just too much hatred in her to ever make it possible for her to love me again. I'm living with this truth though. Somehow.  
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? → Faithful, sure. Committed, no.
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without? → Peace of mind. And ironically, that's the only thing that I'm striving hard to achieve. 
100. Define life → Cliché


Killer Drama said…

how are your fingers Jit?

even i'm always striving for peace of mind.

96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Yes. Someone who doesn't know me at all. A woman maybe. And we could also go to Kobe Sizzlers. Never had company to go there. <-- chal?
Dreamcatcher said…
chaloooo.....if u dont mind coming to mumbai!

n get ur granny along....she'l totally update me with all the zee serials! lol =]

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