You close your eyes for the very last time_you pray_you look back at everything you’ve done and not done in life_you cry_you sit there on a wheelchair all alone, thinking about the many mistakes you’ve committed_you bid your husband the last goodbye as he goes into the afterworld_you entertain your grandkids_you roam the world_you retire_you look at all the photos from childhood to now, there’s no time to feel sad, there’s work to do_your maid knows your kids better than you do_you’re become a workaholic_you give birth to a son_you work_daughter comes to you to play, you’re busy_you work_you hire a maid for your kid_you give birth to a daughter_you work harder_you get promoted_you slog day and night_you get a leave but you want to work, to prove yourself_you get pregnant_you’re on your honeymoon_you get married, you’re blissful_you fall in love_you see him for the first time_you get the best job in the world_you enter the real world_you’re a college graduate_ permanent separation from everyone_the farewell, you cry and bid your friends goodbye_you look around at your college for the last time_you finally pay your canteenwalla the bill of thousands of rupees accumulated in the five years you spent there_phew!exams over, party time_oh god! exam time, god bless me?_photosessions whenever you’re free or whenever you look pretty_you patch up_you fight with your friends_you look at someone familiar, realize it’s your school mate but what’s her name?_you have crushes_you make friends_the first day of college, you’re very nervous_results_school exams_school farewell, promises to keep in touch_you start growing up_the hormonal changes, oh my god! you’re totally freaked out_your first puberty_you play_you’re carefree_homework-school-play-sleep, the simple routine for the simple life_the fights you have that lasts only for a day_biggest worry at that age-what to play?_you meet your best friend who is gonna stay there by you forever_you go to school for the first time, pretty nervous_interviews for admission in school_enrolled in playgroup _the first time you learn to walk_seeing tears in your mother’s eyes when you call her “mama” for the first time_the first time you learn to talk_the non-verbal disagreements with your mom about the food she’s making you eat_potty training_the many nappies you ruined_you’re given a name_you’re caressed_your family’s tears the first time they hold you_the doctor’s satisfaction on seeing you cry when you come out of your mother’s womb_you open your eyes for the very first time.
I was tagged on someone's blog for the very first time in my life....feels so special, I can't express...just seeing your name and your creation etched there in the normal black ink...people who read this wouldn't even look twice...'oh, whatever, she's a blogger...she writes...big deal!' is what they'll say...but to me? It means so so much...getting appreciation for your creativity...feels ecstatic...I remember when I had got my very first blog follower...out of nowhere...I hadn't even followed any other blog at that time, I guess...he just came outta nowhere and read my stuff and liked it... blissful I felt...n now, this . Thankyou, Molly... Okk...moving on to the 25 things I do....hmmm.... This is a chain-game....I've been passed it to me by Molly...I just gotta write some random 25 things about me...and then tag 10 ppl....those whom I tag have to then write 25things about them and so on... So here goes, 1. I'm Jitika Jain. Unwillingl...
n that;s life for most of the middle class peoples...
Good one...